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معلقة لبيد بن ربيعة { Labid bin Rabee'ah al-Amri's Qasida (ode) }

The Mu'allaqat, also known as the "Hanging Odes" or "Seven Poems," is a collection of pre-Islamic Arabic poems, and Labid bin Rabee'ah al-Amri's qasida (ode) is one of these celebrated works. Labid's Mu'allaqa is known for its eloquence, vivid imagery, and reflections on the transient nature of life.

Labid's Mu'allaqa is distinctively titled "Al-Mu'allaqa  li-Labid" (The Odes of Labid). In this poem, Labid showcases his poetic prowess by addressing various themes, including tribal pride, the beauty of the Arabian landscape, and contemplation on life and mortality.

While the specific content of Labid's Mu'allaqa may vary based on different sources, it generally reflects the spirit of pre-Islamic Arabian poetry, with an emphasis on linguistic excellence and the expression of tribal virtues. The Mu'allaqat { Seven Odes} were highly esteemed in Arabian literary tradition, and poets often competed in public gatherings, seeking recognition for their exceptional compositions.

Labid bin Rabee'ah's Mu'allaqa{Ode} is considered a masterpiece of Arabic poetry, and its verses have been studied and analyzed for centuries, contributing to the rich tapestry of pre-Islamic Arabian literary heritage.

His ode ;

عَفَتِ الدِيارُ مَحَلُّها فَمُقامُها

بِمَنىً تَأَبَّدَ غَولُها فَرِجامُها


"The homes' grace has a lasting place, in Mina where its beast forever roams."

"In Mina, the haunt endured, and its wildness is its permanent pasture."

فَمَدافِعُ الرَيّانِ عُرِّيَ رَسمُها

خَلَقاً كَما ضَمِنَ الوُحِيَّ سِلامُها


"The Rayyan's defenses revealed its art, created like the sketch unveiled."

"A creation, as assured by the divine revelation, its peace is guaranteed."

دِمَنٌ تَجَرَّمَ بَعدَ عَهدِ أَنيسِها

حِجَجٌ خَلَونَ حَلالُها وَحَرامُها


"A culprit emerged after the companionship, arguments debating what's lawful and forbidden."

"Arguments, a mix of what's permissible and what's prohibited, after a covenant with its intimate."

رُزِقَت مَرابيعَ النُجومِ وَصابَها

وَدقُ الرَواعِدِ جَودُها فَرِهامُها


"Blessed were the starry springs, they were granted, and they were touched by its effects."

"And the pounding of the cavalry, its generosity is the provider of abundance."

مِن كُلِّ سارِيَةٍ وَغادٍ مُدجِنٍ

وَعَشيَّةٍ مُتَجاوِبٍ إِرزامُها 


"From every direction, from every valley, with every army and traveler crossing its paths."

"In the evening, arrows crisscross, a display of its rhythmic patterns."

فَعَلا فُروعُ الأَيهُقانِ وَأَطفَلَت

بِالجَهلَتَينِ ظِبائُها وَنَعامُها


"The branches of certainty performed, and it became small."

"In the two ignorance, its predators and camels became small."

"وَالعَينُ ساكِنَةٌ عَلى أَطلائِها"

"عوذاً تَأَجَّلُ بِالفَضاءِ بِهامُها"


"And the eye is tranquil upon its gazes."

"Seeking refuge, it delays in space with its majesty."

"وَجَلا السُيولُ عَنِ الطُلولِ كَأَنَّها"

"زُبُرٌ تُجِدُّ مُتونَها أَقلامُها"


"And the rivers stopped from the hills as if they were."

"Pages where you find their contents as if they were pens."

"أَو رَجعُ واشِمَةٍ أُسِفَّ نُؤورُها

"كِفَفاً تَعَرَّضَ فَوقَهِنَّ وِشامُها"


"Or a return of a marked one, we seek its assistance."

"A palm that presented itself above them, and its banner."

"فَوَقَفتُ أَسأَلُها وَكَيفَ سُؤالُنا"

"صُمّاً خَوالِدَ ما يُبينُ كَلامُها"


"So I stood asking  it, 'How is our questioning?'"

"Silent forever, revealing its speech."

زُجَلاً كَأَنَّ نِعاجَ توضِحَ فَوقَها

وَظِباءَ وَجرَةَ عُطَّفاً آرامُها

"Like herds of sheep, it appears above them,

And wild gazelles, its repose is gentle."

حُفِزَت وَزايَلَها السَرابُ كَأَنَّها

أَجزاعُ بيشَةَ أَثلُها وَرُضامُها

"Stirred, and the mirage has scattered them,

Like the scattered herds of Beesha, with their branches and tents."

بَل ما تَذَكَّرُ مِن نَوارَ وَقَد نَأَت

وَتَقَطَّعَت أَسبابُها وَرِمامُها

"Indeed, what she remembers of past prosperity

Has faded away, and her foundations and lofty structures are severed."

مُرِّيَّةٌ حَلَّت بِفَيدِ وَجاوَرَت

أَهلَ الحِجازِ فَأَينَ مِنكَ مَرامُها

"A pasture settled in the vicinity,

Welcoming the people of Hijaz, so where are her past glories?"

بِمَشارِقِ الجَبَلَينِ أَو بِمُحَجَّرٍ

فَتَضَمَّنَتها فَردَةٌ فَرُخامُها

"Between the Eastern mountain ranges, or in a marked enclosure,

It embraced her, a singular enclosure, with its ruggedness."

فَصُوائِقٌ إِن أَيمَنَت فَمَظِنَّةٌ

فيها وِحافُ القَهرِ أَو طِلخامُها

"So, if she turns to the right, she is a stable enclosure, In it, the boundaries of oppression or dominance are evident."

فَاِقطَع لُبانَةَ مَن تَعَرَّضَ وَصلُهُ

وَلَشَرُّ واصِلِ خُلَّةٍ صَرّامُها

"Sever the Lubaanah from whoever approaches and tightens his bond,

And detach the Shar from the connector of a firm association."

وَاِحبُ المُجامِلَ بِالجَزيلِ وَصَرمُهُ

باقٍ إِذا ضَلَعَت وَزاغَ قِوامُها

"Loving the abundant in compliments and its ruggedness, It endures when she sways and her pillars deviate." 

1 comment:

  1. استمر في التألق والتأثير الإيجابي عبر قلمك المميز
