The first and foremost instruction, always given by the prophets, the four Rashidun (خلفاء الراشدين)and the pious among the ummah to their companion is to inculcate the fear of Allah , to implant his love in ones heart and to promote the attachment with Allah ( تعلق بالله ).
Quran itself describes the true meaning of attachment with Allah(تعلق بالله) by saying ;
ان صلاتي ونسكي محياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين.
Suerly my prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah cherisher of the worlds.
(An' am:162)
We should pray Allah with full concentration, not for any reward but to become most great full to the one who created us, who gave us every thing that we need who gave us ramazan a great opportunity to introspect ourselves and to become true believer.
There are still lots of people who worship, pray and fast in ramazan that Allah will give us reward of it. Surly he will but we shoud pray, fast, and every worship in the sense that a poet describes as ;
سجدوں کے عوض فردوس ملے یہ بات مجھے منظور نہیں
بے لوث عبادت کرتا ہوں، بندہ ہوں تیرا ، مزدور نہیں
علامہ اقبال
( I do not accept the talk of peradise in exchange for prostrations
I worship selflessly, I am your servant, not a laborer )
And we should worship Allah with full devotion and with full submission to Allah. The Quran says;
وما امروا الا ليعبدوالله مخلصين له الدين ْحنفاء.
They had been ordered nothing but that they should worship Allah with sincere devotion and being true in faith to him.
( Bayinah:5)
A great feature of a true Beleiver is that his all love, enmity, giving and withholding by a person is only for the sake of Allah . The prophet Muhammad ﷺ says;
من احب لله وابغض لله واعطى لله ومنع لله فقد استكمل الايمان.
Whoever loved for Allah , and hated for Allah, gave for Allah and withheld for Allah, is a person who has perfected his faith.
(Sahi bukhari)
This the true spirit of attachment with Allah (تعلق بالله) . This month is the month of Ramazan and in every islamic society or in every Muslim 's heart there is a great respect of it. So, we all should take as benefit as we can take from it.
We should introspect our self that; are we praying for Allah in every true sense? Or are we passing time being hungry by playing games and walking here and there to pass time ? Or, are we praying to him only because of this month only?
Our prayers( صلاة), charity (زكاة), fasts (صيام) should be the worships of those to whome Allah will adress :
يا ايتها النفس المطمئنة. ارجعي الي ربك راضية مرضية. فدخلى في عبادي. وادخلى جنتي.
O! Satisfied soul.Return to your lord "Allah"well pleased well pleasing. Join my worshipers. And enter my paradise!
At last I pray :
اللهم لك اسلمت وبك آمنت وعليك توكلت واليك آنبت وبك خاصمت واليك حاكمت..
O! Allah I have bowed down to you, Decleared my faith in you, placed my reliance in you and placed my case before you.....
آمين يارب العلمين
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